A Study in Sand: How 脱水筛s Can Provide 清洁er, Drier Bedding Sand

脱水筛s have been proven to remove up to 40% of the moisture and up to 80% of the organic matter from separated recycled sand bedding. 这是如何.

清洁, 干燥的床上用品对奶牛的健康和舒适至关重要, 生产优质牛奶的关键. 当床上用品清洁干燥时, there is less chance for bacteria to grow and less chance for the cows’ udders to come into contact with harmful pathogens that can cause mastitis and higher somatic cell counts.

Bedding material can be organic (straw, sawdust, dried manure solids, etc.)或无机物,如沙子. 沙子是一种 流行的独立式床上用品 材料有几个原因. Being an inorganic material, it doesn’t promote the growth of bacteria. It is moisture-wicking and readily drains away any urine or dripped milk. It cushions the cow’s body and provides traction as she stands or lies down, 减少潜在的膝盖或跗关节受伤的风险. 沙子也可以在世界范围内使用.

A major benefit of sand bedding is that it can be recycled for reuse in the freestalls, potentially saving dairy producers thousands of dollars each year from buying new sand. 

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层理砂可采用砂道或机械回收 选砂设备,例如 Sand-Manure分隔符. 的 separation method selected may depend on whether or not the manure is diluted. 


沙道是稍微倾斜的长混凝土道. 它们被用于稀释肥料的地方. 当满载沙土的粪肥流进巷子里, ideally the sand settles out on the concrete lane while the manure fibers remain suspended in the water and continue flowing down the lane.

的 sand needs to be removed from the sand lane daily or even multiple times per day in order for this separation method to be most effective. 这是因为一旦沙子开始沉淀, 通灵开始发生,安定动力改变.

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 沙巷系统 (shown at right) accepts sand from a sand lane (shown at left) and dewaters it for less stockpiling time and quicker reuse. 


Sand-Manure分隔符 take the sand-laden manure stream — either diluted or undiluted — and separate it via mechanical means. 的 sand-laden manure enters the pool area of the Sand-Manure Separator, where the heavy sand particles settle to the bottom of the machine. A rotating screw conveys the settled sand out of the pool area and up the incline, 让沙子里的水流失. A spray bar provides a final rinse of the sand as it travels up the incline toward the discharge end.

Mechanical 隔砂系统 provide higher and more consistent sand recovery and better moisture removal than sand lanes. 这意味着清洁砂的回收率更高. 与an一起使用时 农业水力旋流器, Sand-Manure分隔符 and sand lanes can recover up to 95% of sand from the manure stream. 这允许的潜力 利用厌氧消化的沙层奶场 或者沼气系统. 

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Sand-Manure分隔符 separate the sand from the manure stream, 卸货, 适合在自由式钻井中重复使用的可堆叠层理砂. 


砂的理想含水率 is 0%. 实际上, 新层理砂含水率在5-10%之间, 取决于它是如何被处理和储存的. 的 lower the moisture content, the lower the chance bacteria will grow and thrive. This goes back to clean, dry bedding being the key to cow comfort, cow health and milk production.

当回收砂层时, producers should try to get the moisture content as low as possible before reuse.

Sand removed from a sand lane is often too wet and dirty to be reused right away. It is typically stacked on sloped concrete pads to allow the water to drain or piled into windrows and turned over and over. 无论哪种情况, it can take weeks or months for the sand to be dry enough to be put back into the freestalls. Stockpiling sand requires space and sand inventory to account for the piles of being moved and allowed to drain.

农用砂脱水筛 are standard with Sand-粪便分离 Systems and can be used as a stand-alone to improve sand lane quality. With each system the goal is to 去除多余水分 from the sand for quicker reuse, 减少调节时间, decreasing inventory requirements and freeing up valuable land space.

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菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 农用砂脱水筛 remove up to 40% of the moisture in separated recycled sand bedding. 


脱水筛已经成功地用于 去除多余水分 from aggregate sands, industrial sands and mineral sands for decades. 的y feature an inclined deck onto which separated recycled sand is fed. 的 motion of two counter-rotating vibratory motors throws the material upward and forward toward the discharge end, allowing the water to detach from the sand and drain through openings in the screen media.

的 first 脱水筛 used to dewater separated recycled sand bedding was tested extensively. 结果如下:

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测试还揭示了脱水筛的另一个好处. As water detaches from the sand particles and drains through the screen media, it takes with it some of the small organic fibers that remain in the sand. 

从那时起,脱水筛就一直在 降低水分含量 在世界各地的奶牛场中分离的回收沙垫层. 


In addition to removing excess moisture and reducing organic matter to produce cleaner, 干燥层理砂, 脱水筛s allow dairy producers to decrease sand inventory and free up land space, 由于脱水的沙子可以在一周或更短的时间内重复使用.

脱水筛s are used as standard equipment immediately following Sand-Manure分隔符 to provide a recycled sand product with a moisture content as low as 12%. 的y can also be used as part of a 沙巷系统 to remove up to 50% of the water from sand recovered from a sand lane.

在任何一种设置中, 脱水筛将提供无滴水, stackable sand product that requires less stockpiling and conditioning time before reuse. 的 separated recycled sand is proven to be cleaner and drier than sand not processed through a 脱水筛, 这会让人更快乐, 奶牛更健康,产奶量增加.

标签: 床上用品管理, Freestall管理, 肥料管理, 粪便分离 & 脱水


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